Wednesday 12 June 2013

Tooth Brushing!!!

Yesterday in science we investigated which toothpaste was best for our teeth. We tested 4 different toothpastes to see which one was best for keeping our breath fresh, making our teeth white and shiny and which one cleaned our teeth the best.

We chose the question we wanted to investigate and carried out our fair test. Have a look at the pictures below to see what we got up to.

Testing the toothpaste and recording  the results.

We love brushing our teeth :)

Not your favourite toothpaste Harvey?

Do I have toothpaste on my face??? 


  1. The first picture has me in it

  2. I loved that lesson very much Miss Henderson. Can we do it again oneday? But with different toothpastes.

  3. Its really funny of the last photo and yes you do have toothpaste on your face!
    I think colgate taz was most popular.

