Wednesday 12 June 2013

Shape Monsters

This week in maths we have linked our work to the book 'Where the wild things are' by Maurice Sendak.

Yesterday we used our knowledge of position, direction and movement to create maps of Max's Journey to where the wild things are.

Today we used our knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes to create our own 'Wild Things' monsters.
We used nets of common 3D shapes to create a body and used 2D shapes for the face, arms and legs.

Have a look at the pictures to see how we made them.

Constructing the nets

We worked together as a team to create our monsters

This is my net of a cube

It was a lovely afternoon. We had lots of fun!

Your monsters look like twins 

Say Cheese!!!

Using 2D shapes to decorate the monsters


  1. You're right me and maddie's monsters (on the 5th picture) our monsters really do look like twins

  2. That's me the one with the big smile he he Diego

  3. It was really fun and i liked my monster because i added hair too it and a party hat. (It was Kaif's idea)
