Friday, 21 June 2013

Today in P.E

Today in P.E 3C, 3CH and 4J all went outside and had a huge game of rounders.
We made the most of the sunshine by all going outside. We had a great time and learnt lots of new tactical skills to try and win.

Have a look at the pictures to see how we got on...

We were so excited :)

This was our warm up, it was hard work!!!


  1. My team won twice. Best treat ever. I can't belive that 3CH and 4J did it with us. My team was very good. Mrs Cheek was with us the first round. Miss Alexander had us the second round. I hope Miss Henderson had a great time. But i did not have a great time. I had the funnest time ever in school. This PE was better than the other one. I wish I could do that every PE. I knew my team would win. My team was 'Team 4' and my team captain's name was Alex. I enjoyed this Friday PE. I wish we could do it on Monday

  2. Tanvi chadalawada22 June 2013 at 10:44

    I loved that can we do it again?

  3. If was really hard!

  4. 3 words:BEST DAY EVER!!!!!!!

  5. Pratyaksh Gupta26 June 2013 at 10:08

    When is sports day
