Thursday 13 June 2013

Boat making

Today we continued with our maths work linked to the book 'Where the wild things are'. 
In the story Max travels to where the wild things are by boat. We created our own 3D boats, however there was a catch. We had to buy all of the materials we needed to build our boat. 
They were each allocated a budget and needed to spend it wisely to make the cheapest boat possible.

Have a look at how they got on...

The shop was very busy. Well done to Naila and Honey for running the shop. It was very successful 

We used the price list to work out how much our boat would cost.

Using the materials purchased to build the boat

The shop was very busy.

Counting the left over money
Ta da! The finished product and we kept within our budget!


  1. I loved boat making. Me and my partner Madison did try hard. We bought a load of stuff but then we had less money so we started selling stuff. We used:
    Lolly sticks
    And 1 black card.
    My favourite part of the lesson was finding £2.

  2. Pratyaksh Gupta16 June 2013 at 03:40

    can we do it again?

  3. I loved that lesson miss Henderson

  4. Me and naila took are money and had a budget of £10.00 and we brought are stuff and miss Henderson asked us to go behind the till unfortunately in order to stay behind the till we could not build are boat but we had a great time tricking the custermors with their change but if they didn't say the correct amount or didnt even say they don't have any change they wouldn't get any


  5. Madison and Jaime17 June 2013 at 11:02

    Hi im Jaime and that was a really cool lesston. I will now now passs you onto Madison. Hi I am Madison did you know that Jaime made a mistake in "I love that lesson", and I loved that lesson to.

  6. I really enjoyed it because me and Honey got behind the till and sell the things like
    - scissors
    - black card
    - Fabric
    - glue and more.
    We really enjoyed it very much and lots of people wanted to sell there stuff back but they had to know how much money they gave if its right we will give the money if not still have to guess.

