Tuesday 7 May 2013

The Magic Box

While Miss Henderson has been away I have had the pleasure of looking after Y3C.  Last week the children wrote some fantastic poems about their own Magic Box.  We thought carefully about what we would put in to our Magic Box; the first twinkling star in the night's sky, the sound of a baby giggling and the smell of melted chocolate, yummy!
Today we practised performing our poems, using actions, a clear voice and facial expressions.  I was very impressed with the children's performances.  Well done Y3C!

Well done Azan, Kaif and Ola, you worked really well on this together!  Here are some more photos of the children practising their poems with their learning partners.

Keep up the hard work Y3C!  Get well soon Miss Henderson, Y3C send lots of hugs!
From Miss Gould xxx


  1. Well done 3C!! Looks like you have been working really hard and enjoying the sunshine too. I can't wait to read all of your fantastic poems. A huge thank you to Miss Gould for looking after you all so well.
    Miss Henderson xx

  2. Pratyaksh Gupta10 May 2013 at 08:15

    This is the best literacy I ever had.

  3. This day was fun!!! Me and my partner Naila were practising our magic box poems. Others and thier partners were practising thier magic box poems too. I love it on the blog. I can't wait for how much Mrs Henderson thought about our class while she was gone. It was really really cool when we got to practise outside instead of just the classroom. Jaime Shaw xxx

  4. Your Quad Blogging friends in Dallas, loved watching you recite your poems.

    Some of our comments included:
    Wonderful expression
    Great, big vocabulary words
    Hard workers

    Way to go 3C!

  5. I liked going outside in the sunshine learning our poems because me and Jaime were reading our poems off by heart it was really tricky
    By Naila
