Saturday 20 April 2013

My first week in 3C

Wow! What a week! I have had such a wonderful first week at John Bramston. Thank you to everyone who has made me feel so welcome.
We have been very busy in 3C doing lots of exciting things. I thought it would be nice to share a few highlight with you. :)

Meet the 3 new additions to 3C, Goldie, Fluffy and Terafin. See if you can tell which ones which.

 The children have really enjoyed reading in our new book corner.

 Our book corner is linked to our topic 'Beneath the Surface'

This week we have been doing lots of science work all about Magnets and Springs. We used our special scientific glasses to help us remember the scientific vocabulary. 

I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend and remember to do your homework!
See you Monday Miss Henderson 


  1. Well Miss Hendeson,

    We will promiss to keep the classroom tidy. We will look after Goldie, Fluffy and Terafin and will feed them nicely. I think to improve this class is to make sure on the table points that nobody cheats.

  2. Oh Miss Hendeson, we're so excited! I was surprised when we heard that we have you for Y4. I wonder if you we're surprised! Before we had you we had Miss Cook, then it was Miss Savage and now its you. I think you are my favourite teacher.

  3. Good Idea Jaime! I was very excited to find out that I will have you in year 4. :)
    See you tomorrow. Miss Henderson

  4. I liked last week when we were doing our science my favourite bit was when we put those cool small big glasses!

    1. I liked that bit too! We learnt lots about Magnets and Springs. Maybe we could share them in sharing assembly on Friday.

  5. I really like you here you have changed everything and it looks more better it will be really nice that your with us for year 4 because we will know you much better.

  6. Thank you Naila. I'm really pleased you like the new classroom.

  7. the one in the lion hat in the book corner is me in the second picture

  8. Sandiway Primary School16 May 2013 at 11:40

    Your class room is beautiful.
    We loved it!

  9. I bet Sandiway will try and guess the Fish names.

  10. My teacher Miss Henderson rules

  11. When are you getting new fish Miss Henderson and are we still using the same names?
