Wednesday 17 April 2013

Literacy Homework 18.4.13- The Titanic

Your homework this week is to write an emotive description as if you witnessed the Titanic disaster!!! You may write your thoughts from the point of view of one of the following...
*Captain Smith
*Charles Lightoller (Second officer)
*Sam Collins (Fireman)
*A sea creature
*Frederick Fleet (the lookout)
*A child
Think about where you were at the time of the disaster...
Were you sleeping? On the deck? Having your dinner? Working? Playing games?
What did you see? How did you feel? What did you do? How did you react? What could you smell?
We look forward to reading your accounts and sharing them in class


  1. I am a fish. "Hey, whats that titanic?" I thought. I called all my fishie friends. Then we heard a noise from outside the water. It had crached into an iceberg! "It's coming down!" one of the fish said. Then as it went down, I stayed and watched. I saw it sink with lots of people and dogs. It sunk to the bottom of the sea. Then I told all my fishie friends what had happened.

    1. Well done Jaime. How were you feeling when you saw the Titanic sinking to the bottom of the sea?

    2. Really scared and felt as if it would fall on me

  2. Madison Thompson 3C18 April 2013 at 09:00

    I am a 8 year old girl.
    "I was awoken by my parents shouting "We have to get off this ship,it is sinking."As we went down the stairs all we could see was water, people were running and screaming.I held my mum and dads hands very tight,I was very scared.
    We started running towards a life-boat,everyone tried too get on one.Me and my mum got put on a life-boat but,my dad was not allowed,it was only women and children, the life-boat started to go down into the sea, my dad watched us leave and he started to cry.
    All we could smell was the salt in the sea, it was horrible.Sprays of the ocean went into my mouth. We just had to sit and wait for help.

    1. Well done Madison:) A very emotive account. Miss Henderson

  3. i am a iceberg "ahhh titanic swim"but i was too late "owwwww ahhhh it feels like a pirate punched my insides i told the fishes so they swam

    1. Well done Ibrahim. What else did the Iceberg see?
      Miss Henderson

    2. The titanic cracked in two and i saw lots of people die. I felt sad because lots of people died and it was partly my fault.

  4. Tanvi chadalawada18 April 2013 at 11:06

    I was watching TV then suddenly I felt a big thud like if there was a ship wreck!!!Then my mum came and said there was a ship wreck I panicked a tried to cover for safety but I could not and then I died.
    I was swimming with my friends and suddenly a titanic was sinking!!!It looked like if a iceberg hit it.then there was allot of captains,maids, servants, passengers and dogs they all looked worried then a shark and ate them.

    1. Oh no, not a very happy ending!! Well done Tanvi.

  5. I was a 5 year old boy.
    I was sleeping until the Titanic shacked. I woke up, felling worried. I went to see what was happening. Everyone was screaming and shouting. Then I realized that the Titanic crashed with an ice-berg. My parents were worried about me. When the Titanic broke into two parts, I was in my father's lap. Suddenly I slipped out of my father's lap, and fell down in the sea. The water was freezing cold. I was drowning in the sea. I tried to hold some broken parts of the Titanic but it kept slipping of my hand. I thought,"If my father was with me he would have tried to save me." I felt miserable about losing my life in a small age.

    1. Oh no Tahmid, this is very sad. How do you think your Mum and Dad felt? Did they survive?

  6. I am a 9 years on the ship: oh no the ship is about to crash what should I do my mum say says to run but my doll is on the other side of the room should I save my life or get my doll and die I think I will RUN!!!

    1. Where will you run to Jia? Did you get on the lifeboat?

    2. i will find a life boat big enuf for my famlie

  7. I am a child.
    Im playing with my dolls suddenly I hear a big bang I see my Mum and Dad came up to me and said "We have to go on the boat its not safe and the boats going to sink!" Me, my Mum and my Dad start running as fast as we can can. Half way the boat sank. We all died some people were on the boats.

    1. Oh no very sad Naila, how were you feeling when your Mum told you that the boat was sinking?

  8. I am a shark sleeping.
    "oh no the titanic is sinking!.I told all the sea animals to run my family told me to run away.Sadly my family died but I survived.

    1. Oh no Diego, this is really sad. What did you see when you saw the Titanic sinking?

  9. I am the Iceberg.
    I was floating there minding my own business when all of a sudden a seagull shouted "mail boat dead ahead". Then out of the mist came the biggest thing iv'e ever seen. I was terrified and tried to move out of the way but I was too late. The next thing I know I have this great pain in my side and now there's pieces of me floating in the sea turning to slush, but I saw all those people floating around in the sea I felt really sad and guilty.

    1. Well done Harvey, an excellent description.

  10. iam a child.
    i was sleeping in titanic.suddenly my mama weke me up.its no time to explain
    run my child every body is criying and runing then i saw the water came inside
    the mum was saying o,God...oGod,and then we come up and someone said children and women first, then we sit in life boad and came far away from titanic then i heard a big explosion then the titanic cut in to pices i was
    petrfied then i close my eyes with my hand and the titanic sank

    1. Well done Azan, good knowledge of the Titanic. What happened to you once you were in the boat? Did you get to dry land?

  11. Shashwath Pandivel21 April 2013 at 12:05

    I am a child travelling in the Titanic.
    I was playing with my brother.Suddenly I heard a big bang noise.I asked my dad "what is that noise?".My Dad was worried and said"we will have to get out of here because the ship hit the iceberg."My dad carried me and my mom carried my brother and ran got into a life boat with difficulty.My family,my friends and my cousins were saved.I was sad to see other people sinking and felt very bad because I couldn't help or save them as it was very deep and very cold water.

    1. Well done Shashwath. I hope you're feeling better. What happened to you and your family once you were in the boat?

  12. Pratyaksh Gupta21 April 2013 at 12:50

    I am an iceberg. I saw the whole Titanic incident with my eyes.

    It was a dark night and it was very foggy. I could not see anything.
    Suddenly, in the middle of the night, I heard a loud siren and saw flashing lights. Then I saw a huge ship called Titanic coming towards me. I was really scared and wished that I could move. But being an iceberg, I couldn't move.
    Then the gigantic ship crashed into me and broke into two. I saw people running and screaming for help. A lot of people died and some were saved by the life boats. Finally, I saw the ship sinking into the deep freezing sea.

    I felt sad because it was partly my fault and a lot of people died.

    1. Well done Pratyaksh, a good description. How did it feel when the iceberg crashed into you?

    2. Pratyaksh Gupta25 April 2013 at 00:16

      I was the iceberg and the ship crashed into me.
      It was painful as I cracked into multiple pieces.

  13. Im a child

    I was sleeping until I heard a big bang my mum and dad said
    "Honey quick the boats going to sink quick so we all ran. Me my mum and my dad got onto a life boat and they put us in the water my mum wrapped us all in a blanket and we all cuddled together. 7 hours later we saw a flashing light coming towards us so we shouted
    and they took us all to shore. When we got to shore we ran all the way home.
    I was so glad to be alive but mostly im happy that im home with my parents but a bit sad because some of my shipmates died in the shipwreck.

    1. Well done Honey, a super description.
      You ran all the way home, where did you live?

  14. Well done 3C great writing, we will enjoy reading your writing in 3CH this week. Superstars!!! Mrs Cheek

    1. Thanks Mrs Cheek, your blog looks great too :)

  15. i am playing with my mate suddenly i hear a big bang quickly get on the life boat to survive...

    1. Good start Lenny, I would like to read more.

  16. I am a 8 year old girl
    I was playing with my toys herd a bang I asked my mum and dad they didn't now. So we went outside to check what it was the sea. Then we went on the lifeboat and survived the shipwreck.

    1. Good attempt Tanisha, how did you feel when you realised the boat was sinking?

  17. I' a child I'm very tired why is someone waking me up in the middle of the night? I want to know why someone is calling my name wake up, the boat has sank I thought it never sink! So I got my luggage and ran up stairs with my parents. But we forgot our sister she's still a sleep we were lucky we got her in time and then , we got on a life-boat and went home.

    1. Good attempt Rifat.
      What happened when you were on the life boat? How did you feel when you realised you had left your sister ?

  18. ``I'm a sea creature I live in the sea and I am a fish and did you know about the Titanic I saw it right in my eyes.`` ``I'm going to tell you all about it.`` ``There I was haply swimming with my fish friends and suddenly a gigantic ship crashed into the iceberg and life boats were toasted into the sea and lots of people died and when it sank lots of sharks died as-well.`` ``Then I saw the name of it the Titanic and that's how I Know about the Titanic.``

    1. A good account Jeevan, how did you feel when you saw the Titanic crashing into the sea?

  19. I am a child.
    I am watching TV suddenly I heard a big bang at the side of the Titanic. My Mum screamed and she said "Stop watching TV the Titanic is going to sink!" I screamed as loud as I could.

    1. Good start Kya. Do you think people had TV's in those days?

  20. I am a 8 year old girl.
    I was playing whth my toys.And I herd a bang I asked my mum and dad.Thay did'nt no so we went out side and went on the boat then.We saw an ice barg so we went far away from the ice berg.

    1. Good try Tanisha, how did you get far away from the iceberg?

  21. I am a child.
    one night I woke up be my mum the boat was sinking oh no
