Tuesday 2 October 2012

We have been very busy in Y3C so far this term! We have designed and made finger puppets to represent ourselves.  We thought about our personalities, interests, cultures and what we would like to be when we grow up when designing our puppets. We were very pleased with our designs and we created a puppet show to represent the different rights and responsibilities in our class charter.

We have also been studying patterns from different cultures. We created our own Mendhi designs and made some beautiful patterns using both pencil and oil pastels.

Our latest topic is Light and Shadow. Last week we made some excellent shadow puppets and created a shadow puppet show to act out our own ending to the story. This week in science we have been investigating how our shadow changes throughout the day. We worked in groups and used chalk to draw around the outline of our shadows in the playground in the morning. Then we measured our shadows and repeated our test in the afternoon.

 Next we are going to investigate the effects of sunlight on different objects and learn about different light sources.  Keep up the good work Y3C!

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