Wednesday 6 October 2010


Our Topic is Games. We had a chance to look at different types of games from the past and games that we play today. We researched about games that children play around the world. We played a game called 'Bimbo' from Italy and a game called 'Blarney Stone' from Ireland. We had lots of fun! The video shows the class playing 'Bimbo.' Bimbo means captain in Italian. The children stand in lines with their hands behind their backs. the Bimbo or captain gives a leaf to two children. The Bimbo then shouts "Stop Thief! Lucky Leaf! The children with the leaves have to run to the opposite line and give their leaf to someone before the Bimbo catches them.
The next video is of the class playing a Chinese game. The children kneel in a circle and pass a shoe under their knee. Another child has to guess who has the shoe.

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