Tuesday 13 October 2015

Science in Year 6

This term in science we have been learning about how our bodies function.
We have been looking at the different systems, how they work and what they do.
We studied videos about the systems our body has. 
They are four systems.
1.       Respiratory
2.       Circulatory
3.       Digestive
4.       Reproductive

First,we learnt about the respiratory system, which includes the lungs and how they help us to breath. We did a test to see what everyone's lung capacities was - we had a theory that the tallest person had the better lung capacity. But this wasn't true, as some of us have asthma, some of us are good at sports and we were tired from practising blowing balloons. This was the final result.

We also touched real sheep lungs!!
Next, we researched the circulatory system. We looked at the different types of blood: A, B, AB and O - there is also positive and negative for every blood type.
We also discovered that there are different blood cells and what they do - red blood cells carry oxygen around the body, the white blood cells fight infection, platelets block up cuts and grazes to make scabs while plasma is the colourless liquid the cells all float around in.  

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